IEC Marine Energy Standards
Dr. Sean Barrett is a member of the NSAI ETC Technical Committee 18/IEC Technical Committee 114 responsible for shaping the development of a set of coherent international standards for the marine energy industry. These standards will form a basis for Third Party Verification and Certification. Most of these standards are currently at the Technical Specification stage with International Standards expected by 2020.
The Standards produced by TC114 will address:
- System definition,
- performance measurement of wave, tidal and water current energy converters,
- resource assessment requirements, design and survivability,
- safety requirements,
- power quality,
- manufacturing and factory testing,
- evaluation and mitigation of environmental impacts.
BME Consulting have a special interest in the following Technical Standard publications:
- Marine energy – Wave, tidal and other water current converters – Part 100: Electricity producing wave energy converters – Power performance assessment. IEC TS 62600-100:2012 Edition 1.0 (2012-08-30).
- Marine energy – Wave, tidal and other water current converters – Part 101: Wave energy resource
assessment and characterization. IEC TS 62600-101:2015 Edition 1.0 (2015-06-05).

OceanLinx Ltd

Oceanlinx Ltd
Dr. Sean Barrett was the Technical and Wave Resource Analyst on the 1MW Greenwave Commercial Demonstrator Project, which was part funded by the Australian Government. As part of the engineering team, Sean had the following responsibilities:
- Coordinated development consent which included grid connection and environmental consents at state and federal level.
- Developed, managed and implemented a third party verified community consultation plan.
- Prepared, maintained and managed project schedules, risk register and interface schedules.
- Numerical Modelling & Financial Modelling
- Ocean energy feasibility studies, wave resource assessments and scaled physical model testing.
- Coordinated and supervised on and offshore environmental and geological surveys.
- Represented the CEO at various conferences, meetings and industry workshops.
- Reporting – Board of Directors/Government Agencies/Investors/Clients
All consents for the project were approved within 6 months of submission and the project had an 80% community support rating. This was achieved by a proactive approach to consultation with stakeholders and the community by Sean.
Ocean Energy Ltd

Ocean Energy Ltd.
Having been involved in various stages of the rigorous testing and scaling of the OE Buoy over the past fifteen years, BME Consulting is currently involved in the U.S. DOE funded Demonstration of the OE Buoy at WETS, Hawaii. BME Consulting are providing expertise on the fitout of the OE Buoy with sensors and instrumentation and will lead the development of the data analysis and reporting work package. BME Consulting is also providing project support in interface management and project management.